
Friday, November 21, 2014

It's Been Awhile

Sorry we have been away from the blog world for a little while - the ladies of Home a la mode have been traveling all over.  In the last 6 weeks, we have been to Oklahoma City for the Affair of the Heart show, and the to Houston for the International Quilt Festival, and we are in Tulsa this weekend for the Affair of the Heart show again :)

We are busy making plans for the upcoming year.  We are really looking forward to growing this blog with new, fun product launches, videos & tutorials for quilts and crafts, and much more. 

We would LOVE to get your feedback - what would you like to see from Home a la mode?  Comment below.. you never know, there might be a prize involved ;)


  1. You have done some great tutorials~ any chance you have a few more? :-) I need ideas for my kitchen and bathrooms. Have a happy weekend!

  2. I love tutorials too, also new fabric lines - which seem to take a long time to reach the UK!!

  3. Always need more ideas to use the precuts, specially the tiny little 21/2 squares. Thanks
