
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Planning a 50th...

                                                      *I took this image from here
I don't know about all of you...but this has been one of the craziest years for me so far.  We have had a lot going on this year.  It seems like we barely finish up one thing and it is already time to start a new project.  On top of everything else going on this time of year...I received a text from my sister last week...basically asking me when we wanted to celebrate our parent's 50th Anniversary.  HOLY COW!  How could I have forgotten that?  

Luckily, it isn't until December, so we still have some time to plan.  So, the preparations have begun.  I will be the first to say, I am NOT an event planner...there are so many things to is crazy how much is are just a few of the things I have been thinking about...
  • How many people?
  • Do we invite extended family?
  • Who will we offend if we don't invite?
  • What kind of tablecloths do we use?
  • Do we buy the decorations? Or do we spend hours on Pinterest searching for the perfect decorations to make?
  • Do we have it catered?
  • Do we make a cake or have one made?
  • Do we hand make inivitations?
  • Do we match our fingernails to the decorations...ok, that one is just me, I have to have a crazy bullet in there, don't I?  Just seeing if you are awake. :)
This list just goes you have these issues or am I just an over

With all of that being said, I do want to say how proud of my parents I am...hang on a moment while I step on my soap box...I am so proud when I hear of people who have been able to stay together this long.  It really is a great accomplishment and something that you should stand up and pound your chest like a crazy ape man about.  If there is anyone else out there who has made it to this wonderful milestone...I stand up and  APPLAUD you.  Wow, how AWESOME!  I hope that one day, my daughter is able to post something like this about me.

P.S. To my Mom and Dad,  I just want to tell you that I love you both so much.  A person couldn't ask for a better set of parents than you.  You have taught me so much.  How to hold my head to help to to laugh.  How to be a GREAT parent.  I really do want to say THANK YOU and how proud of you that I am!
Have a great week and let someone know how special they are to you today! 
Make them smile!  It's contagious!

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