
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Texas, bluebonnets, and a little girl

There is a tradition in Texas that involves children and bluebonnets.  You just have to have pics of the kids in the flowers.  I didn't get this until I had my little one.  Now, I love this tradition.  I go with my parents and we pose and fuss over my baby and just enjoy being together.  I wanted to share some pictures from this year's trip.

My unofficial hobby is photography.  Especially when my Dad gets a new camera and lets me play with it :o).  I really like to take very close up pics.  Here are some I would like to share:

Call me biased...but this is my absolute favorite shot of the day:

I hope you have all gotten to go out and enjoy the beautiful bounty of wild flowers that we have been blessed with this year!  Have a GREAT day.

Let's Go Sew!


  1. They are beautiful! So is your little one.

  2. Beautiful pics! May I ask what camera and lens you are using? We already enjoyed the Bluebonnets...they are long gone down here by San Antonio. We started seeming them emerge around early March. The field next to our house had a lot of them, plus Indian Paintbrush and Prickly Poppy. The Indian Paintbrush are just now going to seed. Sad to see them go, but we are still enjoying the flowers we have left out here. I love how God has painted His canvas with things for us to enjoy after a dull winter! :)

  3. Shannon, it is a Sony Dsc-HX200v. I didn't use any special lenses. I was actually about 20 feet away from the flowers. The camera is amazing. I agree about His canvas, we have had beautiful flowers this year.
