
Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Quilt Sham Shame!

Sometimes, in the name of beauty, sacrifices must be made.

How gorgeous are these?

Now the sacrifice...we needed to cut up these beauties to make shams.

The first time I was asked to cut up perfectly good quilts, I nearly fainted. Really? Cut up quilts? How could one be asked to commit such a crime? Also, to cut them up to make something I had never done. I had no clue how to make a sham. Growing up, I was taught to treat quilts with love and care. Not attack them like a crazy man with scissors.

So, once I was able to get over my initial fear, get my mother's voice out of my head, and pick my husband's jaw off the floor, I got to work with my scissors.

See, I wasn't real mean, at least I gave them pretty curves. I am beginning to see the beginnings of something beautiful.

Here is the end result.

So, I guess the moral of this story, don' t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You might be surprised by the end results. I love making shams now and actually have no problem cutting up quilts. I am even working on some little projects with the left over scraps.

If you are interested, you can check out our custom shams here.

I hope y'all are having a great day, and go try something new today...leave me a comment and let me know what you have tried. I would love to hear from you!

Let's go sew!

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