
Friday, October 25, 2013

And the "Affair" continues...

Once again, we have found our way to the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds for the Affair of the Heart show!  After a quick drive north (at least it felt quick since I was sleeping while Karen did the driving), we arrived, found our booth and began the TEDIOUS task of setting up.  It's not as bad as we make it sounds, and we have fun while doing it :)

Here's a little glimpse of what it looks like when it is "finished".  I say "finished" because if you've ever seen us at work, we NEVER stop moving.  We are constantly moving, rearranging, and sorting product.  You could visit us a few different times during a show and get a completely different look.

Come out to the Travel & Transportation Building, Booth #157 and visit us!  Mention this blog post for a special gift!